Evil Twin vs. Good Twin

Evil Twin vs. Good Twin

Evil Twin vs. Good Twin

If you’ve attended any of my presentations, you’ve probably heard me refer to the “evil twin!” I half-jokingly refer to it as our dark side who would have us say things that get us in trouble…at work and at home.  Here are some of my favorite “evil twin vs. good twin” phrases.   I hope you’ll choose good over evil!

Criticizing vs. Clarifying

“SERIOUSLY?!! WT(@#!!)
“Help me understand…”

“You’re an idiot!”
“Let me show you the BIG picture…”


Blaming vs. Taking Responsibility                                                           

“Uh yeah, Good luck with that…”

“How can WE make this work?”

“OK, and today’s excuse is..?”
I/we would appreciate your help…”


  Naysaying vs. Exploring Possibilities                                                           

“REALLY? That’s your best idea?”
“I’d like to put ALL options on the table.”

“AGAIN! How many times do we..?”
“Let’s use what we learned last time…”


Avoiding Ownership vs. Focusing on Solutions
“NOT my job. It’s above my paygrade!”

“We’ll figure out how to make it happen!”

“Don’t know and don’t care!”
“I’ll get back to you ASAP with an answer.”