Stay Positive

How to Be Content

How to Be Content

“What brief thought would YOU share with young women on how to be content…even in tough times?” That’s the question that I recently posted on Facebook in preparation for a super-short presentation on “contentment”…and the responses I received are useful to EVERYONE, not just young women. I could have bypassed the opportunity to post this question. I could have just…

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Angry Email: Use These Positive Phrases

Angry Email: Use These Positive Phrases

I had the unique opportunity to read a REAL-LIFE  “angry” email that a colleague had composed in response to a difficult workplace situation.   The first list of words below was taken directly from that email. Thankfully, the email that was actually sent included the second set of words below.   Positive, tactful yet still clearly conveyed the concerns. Perhaps this wrong…

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Motivational March

“Motivational March” Favorite presentation quotes from this month’s keynotes and workshops!  (Big Picture) “You’ve got to think about big things while you’re doing small things, so that all the small things go in the right direction.” -Alvin Toffler  (Adapting) “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. Don’t complain.” -Maya Angelou  (Employee Engagement)…

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